Next stop for SPECIALISTS
Key Facts
- Degree: DPR
- Language: EN
- Duration: 12-36 months
- Tuition Fee: 14900 EURO
- Application Deadline: September
- Program Start: October
- Campus: Faculty or Online
This is a top-level professional doctoral degree for academicians with a specialization profile who work at universities or research institutes worldwide. It opens once a year during September.
Example specializations of such a profiled doctorate education are Doctor of Education, Doctor of Information and Communication
Technologies, Doctor of Psychology and Social Care, Doctor of Healthcare Management, and others as listed below.
The Difference Between a DPr and a PhD
When choosing between a PhD (which we do not offer) and DPr, it’s important to consider what you want your future career to look like. For example, a Ph.D. in education generally prepares you for a career in education research and teaching. A DPr is designed to build your leadership capacity through research and practical applications of those research theories — in the education field and many other.
Another difference to consider when weighing a PhD vs. DPr is the time commitment. A PhD in education delves more deeply into a specific
area of research that can often take four to six years to complete. A DPr can be completed in shorter time. DPr students often work full time while pursuing their degree.
Course of Study
A candidate for the degree of DPr must have pursued at the EIASM an online or part-time course of study comprising a taught component and a major research scientific project and its presentation. Completion of the DPr program typically takes three years of study. This period can be extended up to 5 years in total. DPr program can be finished earlier if the student manages to complete all requirements (complete the courses and write the dissertation – it is hard but it is possible). It includes frequent contact with the supervisor. Our DPr offers specializations in other areas than business as that area is covered through our DBA study program.
Taught component
- Research Methodology and Realist and Interpretive Qualitative Research
- Survey-Based and Statistical Research
- Developments in Management Research
- Current Issues in Management Research
- Development and Presentation of a project in the field of chosen area/specialization
- Doctoral Thesis (defense of Capstone Project)
- Vocational Training
The Capstone project
Candidates are required to submit a research thesis on an approved topic. The thesis should offer an original application of knowledge in the area of specialization and should demonstrate the candidate’s ability to integrate rigorous academic analysis with practical real-world relevance and application.
The subject chosen should be viewed in light of future career plans. Students have been offered positions as a direct result of their DPr research. The thesis can take many forms, including a research based thesis (a dissertation ranging between min. 20,000 to 40,000 words), business plan, case study or report (or indeed a combination of elements of these).
The output is a substantial report combining the student’s experience and DPr knowledge to provide research, analysis and recommendations. The EIASM works with students to facilitate engagement and help them proceed with their research.

Admission Criteria
- Completion of a Master or MBA degree (A minimum grade equivalent of 60%, subject to individual bases)
- CV showing work experience
- Personal affidavit or evidence of ability to study in English
- Application processing fee of €50
- Scanned copy of your passport/national ID with your name transliterated in Latin script
- Resume/CV
- Scanned copies of your diplomas/certificates/transcripts
Our past students chose from among these specializations, if you need to focus your dissertation in another direction, let us know. We will discuss it with the Board and let you know if we can offer it to you. This study program is designed with a strong academic focus.
Above the taught component, students may study many optional courses as well (e.g. a research professional may study Blockchain course even he or she studies Human Resources and Psychology).
Branches and specializations:
- Finance
- Economics and Business
- Management
- Accounting and Audit
- Commercial law
- Digital Business Management
- Corporate law
- Economics and Management
- International Relations and Diplomacy
- International Relations and Law
- Hotel, Tourism and Event Management
- Human Resources and Psychology
- Management in Education
- Pedagogy and Psychology
- Natural Resources Management
- Project Management
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Management in Healthcare
- Art Management