Ozcitak, left the country in 2012 and till 2016 he deeply revised and renewed himself. In 2017, he joined Deeper a data-driven cognitive behavioral company, as an executive partner and working on turning behavioral data into marketing solutions. He has been an adjunct faculty member in Istanbul Bilgi University, a writer to several magazines and keynote speaker several summits and seminars.
MA in Strategic Brand Management
MA in Strategic Brand Management degree developed in close collaboration with Brand Communication Institute (BCI), offers students to get the opportunity to be in a network formed by professionals, academics and classmates from different cultures and to get feedback during synchronized courses about their own projects as well as the content of the course.
Key Facts
- Degree: MA
- Language: EN
- Duration: 12-18 months
- Application Deadline: February 28
- Campus: Online
- We Require: Secondary school & BA or equivalent degree
- Tuition Fee: 10900 EURO
With both academically and professionally well-equipped skills to manage and develop successful brands, MA in Strategic Brand Management Program prepares students for decision making positions in brand managing related fields such as CMO positions, brand consultants, founders and managing partners. Graduated students of MA in Strategic Brand Management Program will be eligible to continue their studies in business doctorate degrees such as Doctorate of Arts (D.A.) and Doctorate of Business Administration (D.BA.)
The modules will start at 18.00 in Central European Time (CET) on weekdays and at 11.00 on Saturdays in CET. Summer semester ‘optional’ takes place face-to-face at EIASM Prague faculty. The modules are spread into 3 semesters. Our lecturers are available for consultations.
Modules taught only in English
For the MA in Strategic Brand Management degree, students need to successfully pass 3 core modules, followed by 6 elective modules and deliver a pass grade Graduation Project. Graduation projects will be tutored/guided one to one with one of the academic staff members. Although, MA in Strategic Brand Management program offers electives, students can also select courses from other MA and MBA programs.
Coure Modules
- Strategic Brand Management
- Consumer Behavior and Psychology
- Brand Case Studies from the Boardroom
- Graduation Project
Elective Modules
- Marketing in Digital Space
- Omnichannel Marketing Communication Management
- Consumer Insight and ZMET
- Strategic Thinking
- Marketing Research and Neuromarketing
- Omnichannel Advertising Campaign Management
Marketing in Digital Space
This course focuses on the latest growth-driven marketing practices in digital space covering all essential steps and channels such as digital marketing strategy creation (brand audit, competitor research, customer insights, persona – positioning creation, goal setting, growth funnel creation), website / app engagement, search engine optimization, content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, paid media management, and earned media management.
Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to
- gain knowledge of growth-driven marketing and all of its owned-paid-earned media channels.
- develop a deep understanding on digital marketing management in a growth – driven marketing environment.
- apply digital marketing tools in a growth – driven marketing environment.
Omnichannel Marketing Communication Management
This course focuses on the latest marketing communication practices with an omnichannel and new normal perspective. All marketing communication functions from advertising to digital events will be covered. The course will combine the theory and practice of marketing communication management and through final projects, students will be able to transfer their knowledge to practice. For successful completion of the course, students will work on a real-life project for a client company.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
- gain knowledge of marketing communication and its functions (advertising, digital PR, sales promotions, event management etc.).
- develop a deep understanding on marketing communication management in an omnichannel environment.
- apply marketing communication tools in an omnichannel environment.
Digital Marketing Cases From The Boardroom
In this course, CMO’s and CEO’s from a variety of industries will present digital marketing case-analyses. During the keynote presentations, they will also articulate their personal experiences, explain how they approach the challenges they faced and the tools they utilize in facing them, and unveil the process underlying their best practices.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
- gain familiarity with a variety of top-level brand and marketing management challenges.
- apply principles of brand and marketing principles to real-life problems.
- discover the current digital marketing trends in the field.
Graduation Project
The aim of the graduation project is to provide students with an opportunity to study an area of special interest in greater depth than the general curriculum will allow and to give students the experience of coordinating independent investigation and research. The students will have the opportunity to experience a one to one mentoring from an academic advisor for graduation project.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
- gain a deep and focused understanding of an area of special interest.
- conduct a literature review.
- appropriately support arguments with references or research findings.
E-Commerce & Online Business Development
Since e- commerce including mobile commerce, not only changes the marketplace but also changes the way consumers behave. And evidentially, it is clear that e- commerce and its business development plays a crucial role in digital communication landscape. Therefore, this course aims to give a clear perspective of how to develop and apply online business plans, understand the e-commerce active principles. During the course, online platforms and especially Alibaba.com e-commerce tips will be provided.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
- develop and apply online business plans.
- gain knowledge and familiarity with e-commerce landscape.
- learn the ruling principles of the e-commerce platforms via case studies .
Social Media & Content Marketing
In this course, an integrative framework will be provided to develop a social media campaign. The course will help participants to gain ability to design, manage and track social media marketing activities. Thus, during the course, marketing communication of Facebook and Instagram will deeply be studied with practical information and prepare participants to get Facebook Blueprint Certification.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
- gain an in-depth knowledge about social media and content marketing .
- gain skills to develop a social media and content marketing strategy for various industries.
- develop skills to execute a social media and content marketing campaign..
Consumer Insight & ZMET
This course is designed to empower students to become disciplined and knowledgeable discoverers of consumer insights. The students will be able to develop a unique perspective for human behavior, decision-making processes and consumer culture. The fundamentals of the course will be supported by both ZMET and other researched based case studies and its applications on real-life situations will be presented.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
- gain an in-depth knowledge about consumer and differentiate personas.
- analyze and evaluate consumer insights.
- apply consumer insights in real-life situations where there is sufficient data.
Digital Brand Building & Behavioral Economics
The course will cover the digital marketing communication innovations and strategies based on data readings, user behaviors and analyses. Search, consumer data, organic data will be used in order to understand how to use the data creatively, identify the influences of cognitive processes on behavior and how to apply those outcomes for performance-based marketing actions.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
- understand basics of cognitive processes and behavioral economics .
- learn how to use digital data in terms of performance marketing communication.
- ability to create insight and strategy based on user behaviors and data.
User Experience Design
It is crucial for all digital professionals to acquire necessary knowledge and skill set in order to manage user-oriented design and development processes. Therefore, this course aims to provoke the awareness on the relevant themes and provide the knowledge and skill set to manage a user interface with solid guidelines. During the course, the participants will be introduced with the research and design techniques used in user-centered research and design process through hands on studies and cases.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
- understands and analyze the essential concepts of user experience and interaction design.
- successfully take part in an interdisciplinary user experience design project team..
- apply the principles of user experience design in the context of marketing communication and digital product development.
Performance & Search Engine Marketing
The course focuses on how to use Search Engine Marketing tools to meet your marketing objectives. By overviewing search engines, participants will develop skills for executing and evaluating decisions such as setting objectives and expectations, segmentation and non-lapping ad groups, effective keywords, metrics for performance measurements etc. During the course Google will deeply be studied with practical information and prepare participants to get Google certifications.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
- gain an in-depth knowledge about search engine marketing tools..
- report and evaluate marketing communication activities in search engine marketing tools..
- apply marketing communication activities in search engine marketing tools..
Academically and Professional Qualified Academic Staff
EIASM Master of Arts degrees collaborated with the Brand Communication Institute are designed and taught by academically and professionally qualified instructors to give both a theoretical and practical understanding and knowledge of brand communication. The Master of Arts academic staff is formed by respected international academics and brand communication professionals. Among them are world-class keynote speakers, consultants, managers, award-winning academics, and professionals who have published numerous researches and books written in their area of speciality. Each instructor has worked with various global brands, and thus introduces a unique experience and personalized approach to the class
Title of Expertise
The MA title allows marketing communication professionals to advance within their careers, it is proof of the person’s Master level of brand communication expertise as well as a step ahead in the competitive job market. The title also solidifies the respect sought by managers, colleagues and/or customers, while also being recognized as an expert within the industry. In addition, with the brand communication title one can become brand advisors and help their customers to become better brands.
Online Live Course
EIASM BCI collaborated degrees offer a real classroom environment with synchronized live classes and chooses synchronized courses over recorded courses for its students to complete their online education successfully. Furthermore, unlike recorded online education, fully synchronized online courses allow students to ask questions during lessons, get feedback from their instructors, and get their classmate’s opinions with different cultures and backgrounds. However, the EIASM still offers the flexibility of access to recorded lectures for two weeks after each class for international students living in different countries with varying time zones and for busy professionals.
Graduate in One Year
Concise and to the point courses of MA degrees make earning a Master’s degree in one year possible, and if desired, students can continue their studies with doctoral degrees to reach the highest level of expertise and title in their professional academic studies.
Brand Projects
Students who want to start their own brands can learn from various real life cases and brands as well as throughout the degree students can work on developing their own brands and receive valuable feedback from their instructors.
All EIASM BCI collaborated courses are also offered to a limited number of executives worldwide to get expertise in specific fields and provide individual certifications. MA students upon successful completion of classes receive different certifications for those courses by EIASM and BCI.
Brand Communication Network
Social capital is one of the most important resources one can achieve in their professional life. Studying in EIASM BCI collaborated degrees is an excellent opportunity to build a network of brand communication experts and professionals all over the world, including the highly respected instructors and classmates coming from different backgrounds.
All Brand Communication Institute collaborated courses at EIASM are accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Colleges, ASIC.

Kocyigit is the founder of NBT Digital, a London-based growth marketing agency working with brands with the goal of sustainable growth performance. NBT Digital has established collaborated partnerships with companies such Hubspot, SAP and Kocyigit showed an impressive growth in his own business.
Besides a fast-growing professional carrier, Kocyigit holds his academic PhD degree and also a mentor, keynote speaker and lecturer in growth marketing and related topics. He is an adjunct academic in universities such as Middlesex University, University of Birmingham, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul Bilgi University and been keynote speaker and mentor at institutions such as London&Partners, Startupbootcamp, Founder Institute, Innogate, Kworks, SuColl etc.

Aksakal is a seasoned marketing director in technology industry, worked in companies such as Vestel and Ericsson in various geographies. He managed SAP Turkey Marketing for 7 years as marketing director, within this time frame SAP Turkey’s revenue tripled. He is currently Marketing Director at SAP in Middle East South region.
He holds his academic Ph.D degree and lectures in Istanbul Bilgi University. Aksakal is an author and columnist about urban life, technology, white collar workers and authenticity. He is also a keynote speaker on technology and working life.

Her expertise is in the area of Marketing and Brand Communications. While carrying out academic studies at Istanbul Bilgi University, Sanje also provides corporate training and consultancy services through “Brand Communication Academy” and “Gresi Sanje Consultancy”.
Sanje contributed several projects such as UNDP Turkey, UNGC NY, and worked with several brands such as Mapfre, Pfizer, Samsung, Perfetti VM etc. as consultant, supervisor and educator.

Rızvanoğlu currently is the chair of the Informatics Department at the Faculty of Communication in Galatasaray University. Besides academic career, he is also the founding partner of Xedzone Research and Consultancy Company that serves in the digital world for user experience research, design, education and strategic consultancy projects.
Rızvanoğlu is specialized in the area of human-computer interaction, usability and user experience and working the area since 1999. He has been lecturing and publishing on usability, user experience and interaction design at the certificate, undergraduate and graduate levels since 2001. He has been an adjunct faculty member in several universities and working with companies as consultant.

Abdula with 17 years of experience in marketing strategies, brand management and market research. Held the Head of Strategy and Planning position for long years at Grey Worldwide Advertising. He was one of 12 strategists who led the global strategy council at Grey Worldwide.
Abdula with 17 years of experience in marketing strategies, brand management and market research. Held the Head of Strategy and Planning position for long years at Grey Worldwide Advertising. He was one of 12 strategists who led the global strategy council at Grey Worldwide.

Bartsch studied Business Administration in Saarbruecken, Midland and Washington (D.C.) and completed his Ph.D. in Marketing studies at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. He worked in consultancy businesses as project manager, held several CEO positions and started his own company DB&P, where he works as a consultant and executive trainer for multinational firms specialized in the fields of marketing, strategy and digital business modeling.
As for academic career, he is currently the Vice-President and Director of Business Programs and Professor for Marketing and Strategy at HDBW Hochschule der Bayerischen Wirtschaft in Munich. Also, he serves as visiting Professor at MIP (Milan), as doctoral supervisor at the University of Gloucestershire and holds regular teaching assignments in Helsinki, Antwerp, Leipzig, Dornbirn, Prague.

Since high school years Ozcıtak was passionate about acting and this passion continued through college years. He was among Boğaziçi University Actors and Theatre Boğaziçi as actor-dramaturg-playwright-director. He pursued a career in theatre until the age of 30, but that did not happen for him. Graduated from the Department of Economics at Boğaziçi University, started his professional career in Istanbul at Güzel Sanatlar Group as in Istanbul as writer and there on worked as strategist and director at various marketing and advertising companies.

Ezgi Ada is a Growth Marketing Consultant at NBT (Next Big Thing) with a deep knowledge of inbound marketing and digital advertising. She creates and executes growth based digital marketing strategies to take her clients to the global stage. While coordinating content creation, managing PPC and SEO plans as wells as social media channels, websites and customer engagement activities for clients, she also writes content for NBT website and its online learning platform GMH.
She is also a lecturer and mentor at several institutions such as Endeavor, Innogate and GOOINN.